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This is an excerpt from US Patent #5,958,384 for informational & educational purposes.
United States Patent 5,958,384
Sept. 28, 1999
Use of emu oil for stimulating skin and hair growth
AbstractThe present invention is directed to the discovery that topical or parenteral administration of emu oil to a mammal stimulates the proliferation of skin. Emu oil can be used to treat skin wrinkles and rejuvenate aged and photo-damaged skin. It has also been discovered that emu oil can be topically applied to stimulate melanogenesis in the skin and to stimulate hair growth. Thus, emu oil is useful to treat pigmentation disorders such as hypopigmentation, stimulating melanogenesis to enhance skin tanning, and treating disorders relating to disturbances in hair cycling such as alopecia, male pattern baldness, female baldness, and chemotherapy-induced alopecia.
Inventors: Holick; Michael F. (31 Bishop La., Sudbury, MA 01776).
Appl. No.: 66,598
Filed: Apr. 27, 1998
Related U.S. Application Data
Division of Ser No. 433,789, May 3, 1995, Pat. No. .
Intl. Cl. : A61K 7/44, A01N 59/22
Current U.S. Cl.: /60; /522
Field of Search: 424/60, 522
References Cited
U.S. Patent Documents
Jul., 1995 Ghosh et al. 424/522
Dec., 1995 Fein et al. 424/522
Primary Examiner: Nutter; Nathan M.
Attorney, Agent or Firm: Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox P.L.L.C.